Becky Fickett strolls along a deserted street in St. Georges. Since we arrived on a Sunday, all the stores, except for a few tourist shops, were closed.


A closer look at the hardy crew that crossed from Florida to Bermuda.
Fueling up at the local gas station. Diesel was close to $4.00/US gallon. If we’d slowed down to 6.5 knots, we would have had enough fuel on board for the complete round trip and could have avoided the high cost of the fuel.


George Sass with his trusty camera poses in front of the St. George waterfront. Too bad Triminghams in the back ground (the Bermuda Bloomies) was closed.
Seemed like that restaurant would not sit still; after all, we were on dry land after 5-1/2 days at sea! Ken & Becky Fickett joined us for the day, treating to a lunch of fish & chips and fish chowder - spiced with the local “cherry peppers.”


Two musicians compose a ballad about the good ship Semper Fi. NOT! But they did sound pretty good, and i’ve got a clip of them singing for the upcoming video.
A boss is a boss is a boss. Ken Fickett, president of Mirage, finds himself in the traffic cop’s kiosk. Only thing is, no traffic on Sunday!

Becky Fickett, wearing all the right colors for a sunny day in Bermuda, takes a break at the Hamilton Princess Hotel. The rest of us are just out of range, enjoying some cool drinks, oogling the string bikinis (all of which were being worn by hairy eastern european men on a weight watchers vacation!)
