
The 1st Great Harbour 47 has a Study/Office in the space allocated for the lower Guest Stateroom...
This space is large enough for a double stateroom, a twin, upper & lower berths, single berth with desk, workshop, library, sewing room or exercise room...

Opposite the Guest, is the Guest Head...
Room for a 5’ tub & shower...
5’ long vanity (shown)...
As spacious as the guest bath found in most homes...

Unique to the Great Harbour 47 is her Watch Cabin...
Nestled just aft of the Bridge, this cozy getaway has opening windows on 3 sides, a real Queen-sized berth and it’s own private head & vanity...

Looking forward in the Watch Cabin you see the dresser with hanging space to the left...
Over the dresser is room for a mirror, art work, or an opening window into the Pilot House...
The door to the right opens into the passageway; the one to the left, to the private head...

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