The Deck House is the center of activity on board the Great Harbour N37. At sea, it acts as a “Pilot House” complete with a practical Helm Station to starboard and a “Navigator’s Station” to port. Both have comfortable, built-in seats and a good view over the bow. |
Looking forward, you see the broad expanse of glass - great visibility over the bow. The Navigator’s seat is raised just as is the Helm seat for perfect site lines. All except the port and starboard forward facing window OPEN and are fitted with screens.


Unique to the Great Harbour N37 is the “Navigator’s Station.” Raised, with plenty of room for 2 to sit comfortably, it has a practical work flat sized perfectly for charts and other navigation tools. You can easily “drive” from here using the optional autopilot and remote.

Below the chart flat is a handy chart storage bin - room also for pencils, your log book, dividers and a couple of candy bars (for the “dog watch.”)
Visibility over the bow is never a problem from the helm position. Nor is visibility of your primary navigation electronics. Engine intruments are prominately displayed. Behind that smoked door (to the left of the wheel) are ALL of your electrical panels. This is a helm designed by and for REAL boaters! Those whose experience tells them what is important to have right at hand.

Equally handy to the helm is a doorway leading to the covered side deck. When docking, you can stand on the deck, right next to your spring cleat, and reach inside the door to your engine controls and steering wheel. Very easy to dock single handed! Remember, the Great Harbour N37 as 2 motors - maneuvering has never been easier for this size trawler.


Looking straight aft from the top of the steps leading from the galley, you see how bright and spacious the Deck House of the Great Harbour N37 really is. Too big a view for one photo! Just aft of the Navigator’s Stations is a 7’ long settee with Hi/Low table (makes into the best bed on the boat!) Even the settee is raised so when seated, EVERY member of the crew has a great view outside and over the bow. To starboard (left looking aft) is the Entertainment Center (see details below.) There is room for a good sized TV, Surround Sound, DVD Player with room left over for a Bookcase.


On the port side aft is the Raised Dinette. The Hi/Low table lowers to form a queen-sized berth. Note the drawers under the settee. Everywhere you look on board the Great Harbour N37, you’ll find not a space as gone unused - great storage abounds.


Between the Navigator’s Station and the Helm, are the steps leading a short way down to the Galley. The cook is never far from the action - it’s a piece of cake (pun intended) to pass up lunch to those on watch. Note the pools of light below from the 2 opening Deck Hatches.